“I’m the Dude, man”, this is one of the many hippy things Jefferey Lebowski (Jefferey Bridges) says to himself throughout The Big Lebowski. This is the first comedy I have seen by the Coen brothers and it is true genius that should keep everyone laughing from beginning to end. The Dude is a man who is happy with himself; he listens to hippy music and loves his life. He goes bowling with his friends, Donny (Steve Buscemi) and Walter (John Goodman), drinks many ‘White Russians’ and always has a joint in his mouth. His is perfect in his mind until he is mistaken for another Lebowski, who is just the opposite of The Dude. He is a rich political man that listens to classic rock and has a model wife, Bunny who has been kidnapped because of her debt with a porno company owned by Jackie Treehorn. So Jackie Treehorn and his gang come to The Dudes house beating the crap out of him and peeing on his most praised rug. He then goes to The Big Lebowski’s house to get reimbursed for his rug. However Mr. Lebowski asks The Dude to go on an adventure to save his wife. As the adventure begins I realized that all of these characters are stuck in their own delusional realities, Walter is always going to violence with his random outbursts and Donny is always the ignorant person that never knows what is happening, adding his stupidity to the conversation. The characters attributes are hilarious and so outrageous that its causes great comedy. If you’re looking for a movie that is a little out there but hilarious this is the one. Enjoy!
Perhaps the greatest movie ever made.