Friday, March 4, 2011


 The movie Burlesque is a unique, extraordinary story of a young country girl named Ali (Christina Aguilera) who fights to become an aspiring singer/ dancer. Her amazing story begins as she leaves her old life as a waitress and enters a whole new environment of being in the city of L.A while looking for jobs she stumbles across the performing club called “Burlesque” owned by Tess (Cher) and Ali’s future changes quickly as she rises to the top with her roaring voice. The only problem in the film was Cher's singing, which was not even close to being comparable to Christina’s. Christina Aguilera’s singing and acting was outstanding and definitely got 10 stars in my book for her racy dance moves and mesmerizing voice that would constantly raise the hair on anyone’s neck. The dedication and determination Ali performed throughout the movie was enchanting and went along with the story line. Burlesque Burlesque brought in so many different narrative techniques by combining love, music, dance and, fame all in one sitting. The camera techniques of color, and old-fashioned pin-up girl theme really portrayed the clubs character and meaning. This movie is similar in the singing and racy costumes with the film Moulin Rouge a well-known older film.  I would suggest this movie to any person and highly recommend it to the ladies. Christina has out done her self in this magnificent film and it shows. Good job, Christina you go girl.     

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