Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Cop Out? More like Crap Out

I consider myself a Kevin Smith fan, having taught a number of classes on his films and Clerks and Chasing Amy are regular features in my screenwriting course. As is this clip.

In addition, I am a huge fan of Bruce Willis. I started watching him on Moonlighting and I continued to follow him at the movies, including Die Hard.

You would think a combo of Smith and Willis would make for a solid film, even more so when they are doing a cop film, but it was not to be.

What was the problem? Well, to begin with Tracey Morgan is a huge problem in the film. He is so over the top that half the time I couldn't even understand what he was saying. It's great to be enthusiastic, but c'mon man, enunciate so we can hear your lines.

Next, Tracey Morgan dressed as a cell phone.

Need we say more. It's a tired old gimmick and we know how the chase sequence is gonna play out.

In addition, Willis looks bored out of his skull.

How long did I last? 3o minutes before turning it off. When I took a look at what the film was supposed to be about I found 0ut that there was some baseball card that they were supposed to get back. A baseball card? Where was the baseball card? For a full 30 minutes there is no discussion of a baseball card. What about Syd Field's rule of a plot point at the end of the first act? What happened to creating a compelling narrative?

All was missing here.


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